Advanced Java Training Programs

The advanced Java training program from J S Informatics has been developed for Sun Certified Java technology programmers, who want to develop enterprise applications that conform to the J2EE platform standards. The program is geared towards training programmers specializing in the application of JavaServer Pages and servlet technologies used to present Web services and dynamic Web content using Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE technology).


After completing the advanced java training program, students are prepared for the SCWCD (Sun Certified Web Component Developer) and SCBCD (Sun Certified Business Component Developer) certification exams


  • Swing Part-I
  • Swing Part-II
  • Java Networking
  • RMI
  • Servlet Part-I
  • The Servlet Technology
  • Inside Servlets
  • Writing Servlet Applications
  • Servlet Part-II
  • Accessing Databases with JDBC
  • Applet - Servlet Communication
  • Session Management

    • JSP
      • Introduction to JSP
      • Java Beans
      • Creating Java Bean Components
      • Reflection and Introspection
      • Manipulating Bean Properties
      • Event Handling
      • Property Editors and Customizers

        • XML
          • Introduction to XML
          • XML Syntax
          • XML DTD and Schema
          • CSS
          • XSL

          J2EE with Web logic 8.1
          • J2EE Overview and Architecture
          • EJB Overview
          • Installing and Configuring Web Logic Server
          • Session Beans
          • Entity Beans
          • JMS
          • Message-Driven Beans
          • Transaction and Security
          • Case Study